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Hello Everyone! Here is my Fun Work Vol.2 and Vol. 3 of Friends In Film.

I’ll be sharing with you the things that I am certain about, the things I am uncertain about and the underlying fears the fuel them and how by asking myself empowering questions, I work though these obstacles to clear the path to success and overcome my underlying fears.



  • I am certain about that I want to work in the film industry.

  • I am certain about that I am an actor and I want to make a living out of my craft.

  • I am certain that want to become a director and create my own professional films.

  • I am certain that I want to travel the world and see as much of it as I can.

  • I am certain that I love my family and I want to have my own someday.



  • I am uncertain if I am a good actor.

  • I am uncertain if I can find work in the film industry.

  • I am uncertain that I will be a good husband/father.

  • I am uncertain I can break through my own barriers.

  • I am uncertain I know how to become known and work at a professional level.

  • I am uncertain that once I make it, I can stay relevant.

  • I am uncertain people will want to work with me again.


Now for the underlying fears that fuel these uncertainties and the empowering questions that will help me break through.


  • I am afraid of not being loved back.

  1. Are the people I love afraid of me not loving them?

  2. What can I do today that will improve my relationship with them?

  3. If I am uncertain about how they feel about me, can I talk to them and find out?

  • I am afraid of not being accepted.

  1. Who can I be around with that will accept me for who I am?

  2. What things can I do that will attract people to work with me?

  3. Am I working with the right people?

  • I am afraid to fail and disappoint.

  1. What can I do today that will impress the people I know?

  2. Am I 100% committed to accomplish what I set out to do?

  3. If I fail, how can I try again, but this time with the knowledge I gained from my previous experience?

  • I am afraid to lose my focus and momentum?

  1. What can I do to stay creative?

  2. After viewing the results of my work, am I satisfied?

  3. WHAT AM I DOING EVERY SINGLE DAY TO MAKE MY DREAM COME TRUE? (This last one comes from my Grandfather who would constantly remind me that dreams need work to become reality) Thanks Grandpa.

I hope you can share your soul with us in this group. It feels so good to know what barriers are in front of you and know that they are just that, barriers, that can be taken down and pushed through. And I hope to read some interesting questions on our group and the strategies to you are using to overcome them.Stay creative and keep working hard. David Aguirre Firth.

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